Tag Archives: cousin

::Cassie Girl::

Seeing family is always the best part of the holiday season.  I was blessed to grow up in a large family- my Mom having 5 brothers and a sister, all of whom now have children of their own.  That makes for lots of cousins.  Six of us were actually born within a two year span!  Although I feel especially close to those cousins who were of my same age, it’s always fun to go home and visit with some of my younger cousins who have come along more recently.

Cassie is the youngest cousin on my Mom’s side. Since I was already in college when she was born and moved down south soon after, I haven’t had too many opportunities to spend time with her.  Knowing I’m building my photography career, my Aunt asked me to take some pictures of Cass which allowed me a look through the lens at this pretty little cousin of mine.

Here’s some things I know about her… she loves her big brother.  Since he was at school the afternoon I came over, she spent some time snuggling up in his bed.

Cassie also has an independent spirit.  She gladly showed me around the house and proudly displayed her ability to hang Christmas ornaments on their tree.

She’s pretty adventurous too.  We spent some time playing outside in the snow and she proved to be a happy and smiling kid- not bothered at all by the cold.

She’s definitely got her Daddy’s blue eyes! Here’s a few more from the day…

For those of you trying to perfect your photography skills, what better models to use than your cute cousins or family members?  I think Cassie helped my pictures turn out pretty well! : )


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